Tarot draws on many different spiritual and esoteric references and traditions; one of the most important is Western Astrology. Understanding the systems and patterns that the Tarot is built on gives insight when it comes to understanding each of the Tarot card. Specific Tarot cards are linked to the zodiac signs.
Before the existence of clocks, the ancient Egyptians would measure the passage of time by the movement in the sky of 36 constellations they referred to as Decans. When Western Astrology made its way to Egypt, it merged with the concept of Decans. The Hermetic order of the Golden Dawn used this understanding of Astrology with Tarot Cards.
The first Decan of the fire sign, Aries, and the first Minor Arcana Tarot from the Suit of Wands and so on, until they went through an entire deck and matched each Decan of each Zodiac to a particular Tarot.
Major Arcana Ace’s represents the four elements in the purest form. The four ace’s are the roots of the four elements. Ace of wands is pure fire (fire sign). Ace of cups means water energy (water sign). Ace of swords heavy air energy (air sign). Ace of pentacles you can always find a coin grounded in the earth (earth sign).
The cards that the reader shuffles and lays out will than paint a picture for the reader, to get a better understanding and give a detailed reading. Everything is energy so the cards choose you. If ever you see in a reading three of cups, three of wands, three of swords, its heavy water, fire, air energy in your placements and the number 333 could be of significance. You will see number patterns in Tarot for it give the reader an idea of the time frame you seek. Weather its past present or future everything is energy that ties us all together in human form. For a Tarot Reading
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